The Inclusive Excellence Unit

The Inclusive Excellence Unit (IEU) facilitates the attainment and sustainment of the capacity for exceptional talent and innovation.

The IEU works collaboratively across different functional areas to support inclusive excellence that drives innovation. Innovation flourishes in organizations where people experience a sense of being valued, belonging, included, and treated with all aspects central to human dignity. This calls for a community of faculty researchers, staff, interns, and student employees with a vast range of thoughts, backgrounds, viewpoints, and lived experiences working together to serve the community, state, and nation.

The inclusive excellence framework that informs the work of the IEU has five components:

  1. Access and opportunities
  2. Foster a climate and community of belonging
  3. Connect people through educational and relational programs and services
  4. Support an inclusive infrastructure and alignment of resources
  5. Intentionally and strategically promote inclusive excellence through partnerships and collaborations.

The Inclusive Excellence Unit Mission: Cultivate a sustainable culture of inclusion at GTRI where people and innovation flourish in an environment that will:

  • Create a sense of belonging and community for all people
  • Connect all people through programs and services
  • Center inclusion as essential for success
  • Center collaborations and partnerships as necessities

The Inclusive Excellence Unit Vision: The Inclusive Excellence Unit facilitates a sustainable culture of belonging where people, innovation, and excellence will thrive.

Contact the IEU at or visit the tabs below for more information.